Active Comfort

What is an active workstation ? and HOW can we achieve
active comfort movement
While we are only sitting all day
behind our workstation…

Our working posture is dictated by :
The technological tools
and workplace furniture we use everyday
Such as :
Your static working table
Your bad office chair…
Your very far monitor…
Your challenging laptop …
or it perhaps it could be YOU ?
Some of the major components of an active comfort workplace is the sit-stand desk known as the height adjustable desk allows the users to simply lift their workplace and benefit from standing and working at the same time. This act is one of the most important factors in what we call the liberty to move at work.
Nevertheless, the need to an active comfort chair easy to adjust with active comfort working tools is also so important since it is essential yet recommended by physio therapists … Shifting from the sitting mode into the standing mode regularly for a period of 15 to 20 minutes.
Active Working is a simple process or a discipline that allows the human body to perform a healthy task behind the workstation. It is basically all about enhancing body movements .This can be easily achieved by adding active comfort working tools ergonomically designed to help human body move easily and interact with the keyboard and computer screen at a lower risk while working .